Oh man, what have I just gotten myself into? Went to a few orientations today and managed to walk out the door with a bill for... a whopping amount more than I had initially expected. What on Earth just happened? I'm hoping to reach someone tomorrow who can help me sort all of that out. But whoa, I was not expecting that. My stomach is still churning just thinking about it. So, the SO took me to KFC where I could gorge myself into an oblivion of happiness. I just have to say that I hope I'm doing the right thing and that it'll all pay off in the long run/ near future. Man, for that much money it should have paid off a year ago, lol. I just need to leave that alone and think about something else.
The boys of the household have made tons of progress today! It was a continuation from all of yesterday's productivity, but still. They tackled clearing out the garage for bulk trash pick up day which I believe is sometime this weekend or early next week. We've had several scavengers coming and taking stuff from the curb ever since last night. It's kind of bewildering, but to each their own! Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, eh? It looks pretty amazing in there already. Oddly enough, we haven't even really truly tackled organizing any of it but a world of difference has definitely been made. On top of the conditions in there being extremely dusty, the past few days have suddenly become chilly and rainy. Bizarre weather for this time of year here (so I have been told). I guess it's true since a few days ago it was hitting in the 90s and now it's currently about 54 degrees out. Oh, and windy. We can't forget about that now can we?
Had quite a bit of a scare last night. One of the dogs came in staggering. He is old and has been pretty sick the past several days, but he hasn't done that before. We honestly thought he might pass overnight. So, some of us gathered around and we tried to make him comfortable as best we could. Some memories were resurfacing and being retold. It was a fairly emotional affair and not much sleep was had. Thankfully, he made it through the night and actually seems significantly better today. We have all agreed that in all honesty, his life is winding down. When I met him, not too long ago, he was big and old, but still pretty spry. He was too excited meeting me and jumped up on me, resulting in a scratch on my chest. I had that scar for a while. His deterioration has been quick and we'll all miss him when the time comes. I'm not looking forward to mentioning the event here. He's a big horse of a sweetheart and very Eeyore in demeanor, lol, that big and stinky lug.
I'm so grateful that the household has been able to pull together and get so much desperately needed work done around here on top of all the trials and tribulations we're each suffering through. I believe it speaks a lot about our characters and louder than our histories do of us. Definitely flawed but definitely good people. I think I can get used to this whole growing/ grown up thing and all the responsibilities that go along with it. I am by no means giving up my right to complain, whine, or resent it from time to time. ... Or most of the time... but it feels good to get business done and make great strides towards those goals that make up your version of happily ever after. It's a crazy life, but it has it's rewards if you can appreciate them. Man, even after that pseudo-pep talk to myself, I'm still feeling pretty overwhelmed! Ugh, lol.
I think I need to go craft (with a purpose!) some more to attempt to wind down. Much love to anyone who reads my blog! Until tomorrow! <3
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