Monday, May 24

083. Warning: Graphic Content

I think I'm pretty funny sometimes. Well, most of the time. :D I don't believe I had a game plan for today's post. The majority of my day was spent doing step one of my plan to completely overhaul the children's book collection in the classroom. Everyone who saw it was stunned and called it a mess. /frown. No one was surprised by the fact that there were that many books to make such chaos. I hope I can get what I want to accomplish done in the amount of time we have left in there.

I also forgot my lunch. Twice. Once in the morning at home and once in the afternoon when we were leaving. /facepalm. And I have been doing so well with remembering it too. :( Anywho, I'll be as pleased as punch once this week is over and I can sleep again! I've been waking up at all sorts of crazy times thinking that I over slept when I have plenty of time. Fingers crossed!

Today's life lessons are brought to you by a portion of called GraphJam! But before that, we have a preview of another section called, "My Food Looks Funny":

funny food photos - LOL
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I've seen signs like these when I've bought butter at the store.
I usually start giggling instantly and have to point it out to whomever I'm with at the time.

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
Oh my high school days of my TI-83+ and Frogger...

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
I thought it was just really funny until I read the last increment on the y-axis.
Then it became genius!

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
I do this way too often.
It's almost as if to say, "What? I'm wearing a shirt today?"

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
Freakishly accurate.
Much to my (and I'm sure practically everyone else's) dismay.

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
Sounds about right.
I can't count how many times I just didn't eat because it took too long to cook or seek out food... :(

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
To make this resemble my childhood, 
I'd need to add that my folks would be doing something that couldn't be interrupted while I was in the bathroom and they yelled at me to get the door. The guests would usually just start to walk around our backyard to see if my folks were back there anyways. Or to find/ break their own way in. Good times.

funny graphs and charts
see more Funny Graphs
I think this is true for any clothing shopping. 
Which is why I can't stand shopping.
Yes, the bleeding feet still apply.

song chart memes
see more Funny Graphs
One of the cutest things I've seen in a while!
I'll probably copy the formula down and ask the SO to solve it one of these days...
but not before I try to solve it myself. :P

Well, I hope that was just as much fun for you as it has been for me! I had a blast reading a lot of those graphs. You know that most of them there made in the heat of the moment too. Idk, I think griping in graph form makes unreasonable complaints that much more legitimately arguable. ... I think that statement made sense because it kind of does in my head. 

With that, it's my cue to go get some rest. See you tomorrow! <3

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